Santiago de Compostela: A Galician Goodbye

Just as our study abroad program started off with a group trip to Granada in Southern Spain, it ended with a group trip to Galicia in Northwest Spain. Our university always does this trip at the end, because our program director Ramiro is from Galicia. It was the trip I’d been looking forward to the most, for several reasons. First,… Read more →

Prague: The Importance of History When Traveling

I know the hipsters are going to disagree with me about this, but I’ll say it anyways. I think if possible everyone should take a guided tour when visiting a new city, because it connects what you’re seeing with history, literature, and culture. Instead of seeing just a castle, you see the years it took to gather the materials and… Read more →

Budapest Baths: Is Everyone As Confused As We Are?

For our Semana Santa week-long break, which is the week leading up to Easter in Spain, we are going on a mega tour of Central Europe. We’re starting with Budapest, then taking a train north to Vienna, then Prague, and finally Berlin. Because I wanted to get back to Spain to witness the Semana Santa processions and over-the-top celebration, I… Read more →